Friday, January 21, 2005

Family Vision Part 1 - Intro

Family Vision Statement

Family Mission – To intentionally develop our family into a productive and powerful team that seeks the Kingdom of God first and encourages each other and others to become like Jesus.

Why a family vision – We believe God created families to be productive not to just be. God intends for our family (meaning our immediate family and all of our descendants) to grow in influence and in ability, to partner with Him in expanding His Kingdom upon the Earth. We will be held accountable for every resource given and as we become better stewards of His assets we He will continually bless us with more.

How are we going to accomplish our mission?
  • Develop a Vision for each of the major areas of our family’s life
  • To understand that with each year’s growth in wisdom this document will need to be revised and updated.
  • Evaluate our progress three times per year including one major evaluation at the family summit. Times for evaluation: mid January, mid May, late August.
  • Each area of this document will be linked to a chapter in a manual describing in more detail how to accomplish these goals.

Family Summit

  • Rent out an appropriate facility Friday-Sunday during late August every year.
  • Line up presentations by family members to celebrate and understand the various things they’ve been growing in over the previous year (everything from a kids art and music show to adults proposal for a new book they’re writing).
  • Family devotions each morning led by different family members.
  • Present an annual report of the family assets and how various investments faired during the year.
  • Present ideas for the family investments for the next year.
  • Families spend time alone to work on and evaluate their family vision statements.
  • Sunday evening families report on their progress during the previous year on their family vision and present changes and updates to that vision.
