Friday, January 21, 2005

Family Vision Part 4 - Mental

Mental Vision

To actively shape the narrative expectations of our lives and our children’s lives
  • Give them very clear rites of passage as they are given greater amounts of freedom and responsibility.
  • Help them embrace the beauty of all the seasons of life – birth, growth, maturity, death.
  • To teach life’s lessons and meanings primarily through biblical narratives.

To assist our children in gaining appropriate amounts of knowledge without allowing them to become prideful by over valuing its importance.

  • Monitor their progress in school and provide additional challenge or additional help wherever necessary.
  • Introduce our children to areas of knowledge not currently valued by our education system – ethics, language, philosophy, religions etc.
  • Take our children on one educational vacation per year intended to shake up and form their understanding of our world in its history, diversity, size, beauty etc.

To value wisdom (the appropriate application of knowledge to life) as the ultimate end of education

  • To set up mentoring and apprentice relationships for our children in crucial areas of their education.
  • To consistently ask good deep questions in order to challenge each others thoughts and decisions.
