Friday, January 21, 2005

Family Vision Part 5 - Emotional

Emotional Vision

To value imagination above knowledge as the highest cognitive ability given to us by God.
  • To introduce our children to engaging literature, films, poems, art and music.
  • To encourage our children to create. To help them develop skills that will allow them to express their thoughts and feelings in increasingly beautiful ways.
  • To discourage apathy and sloppiness toward life and creativity and to inspire fiery passion and beautiful perfection in all areas of life.

Create an environment in our home of shalom and unconditional love

  • Find ways to make our home a place of beauty, peace and inspiration.
  • We will embrace conflict as a necessary part of growth in relationships but will only fight fair in our house (no extreme accusations, keep a civil tone, value the relationship above all else).
  • To simultaneously teach our children the value of money, hard work and perseverance but also demonstrate our love through lavish generosity.

To simultaneously help our children develop thick skin in order to guard their hearts and to show them how to open their hearts fully in truly safe environments.

  • Teach them the true nature of both good and evil; the real danger of evil and the power of the Kingdom of God to overcome anything.
  • Teach them the importance of loyalty to God, family, clan and country.
  • To instill into each other reservoirs of endless courage.
