Monday, January 03, 2005

Leadership Proposal Part 2 - Sophia

2. That a Council of Sophia be commissioned to serve the body in the following ways
· Train the women of the church
· Take leadership and responsibility over defined areas of the body
· Be responsible before Christ to nurture the church as it grows into maturity

Rather than continue to define the rest of the elements (which are very similar to what has already been described for the Board of Elders) I want to discuss what the council is and why I’m proposing it.

What is a Council of Sophia? This is a group of women in the body who are asked to serve as leaders in the church and train the other women of the church. Sophia is the Greek word for wisdom (also philosophy) and this council will be building up women of wisdom who skillfully grow their families and the church.

Why is a Council of Sophia necessary? Having an organized and authoritative body of men leading without an equivalent body of women throws the entire body into imbalance. The position of elder is patterned after the position of husband in the home but where is the position of wife? We believe in male headship not male dominance. Women must have a powerful voice in the home in order for it to grow and mature and the same is true of an organic church.

Is this idea biblical? First, this idea is not in Scripture I made it up. However, Titus 2 tells women to train other women. We have female church leaders mention in Romans 16 and in the book of Acts but no description of how these leadership positions were formalized.

Qualifications of a Sophia? These will come primarily from Proverbs 31 (which is written more as a poetic description so these qualifications will come from principles derived from the Proverbs)
· Manages her household well
· Hospitable to the community and to the needy
· Joyful, strong and full of wisdom
· Productive and not idle
· Has the respect of her husband and the greater community

Please offer your feedback. This is just a rough draft.
