Friday, January 21, 2005

When will we admit...Method is Important!

Read this great quote this morning from Brother Maynard

"In my own experience of trying to introduce any measure of significant change to church life, I’ve surmised that one cannot try to do a new thing the old way, or you’ll end up with the old results. The very familiar quote which applies (attributed to both Albert Einstein and Benjamin Franklin) is “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” Or as Frederick Winslow Taylor put it, “Every system is perfectly designed to produce the results it produces.” Note: the answer to improving results is foundational to the method." -

If you do not like the results your current church is producing in your life and in your community dig deep into how things are being done and you're likely to find the problem. But most refuse to dig deep enough and so the same old problems are reproduced time and again in church after church.

Time to get out the shovel and pick axe...
